Finding Yourself in Other Things
I find myself in the things that surround me, the ones I choose to keep around. I find myself in Place, in People, in Flesh; in Land, Person, Object. Tending land, for mutual fit. Crafting object, for harmony. Making reflection, for balance. Other aspect is mirror, aspects around me mirror my presence.
Don't create an object not in your image. Don't create an object that won't speak for you, about you, about your ways, your doings.
You need the mirror. You need the feedback. Observing efficacy in your actions is greatest validation. Self-soothing.
Media mirrors and is mirror. Media mirrors for the self. Media, mirrors for the self.
Narcissus. The moment he saw himself, he forgot about the rest. He focused on himself. A fascination. When you can't see your reflection you can only see it in other Thing, in other Person, in other Aspect.
We take pictures when we see ourselves. When we see beauty in happening, in building, in spectacle, in people. Photos of ourselves.
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