Consequences of Antagonizing a State
Do you know the latest with Julian Assange? Not everyone is following the news, no blame. He's a poor man, under siege, feeling the full crushing weight of the American State on his shoulders, it's an exceptional situation.
When the State needs to neutralize you, we're talking about killing or otherwise silencing you for good. It's not an easy feat for an individual to rise to the attention of State actors. Imagine awakening the defense mechanisms of the federal government to neutralize you, mobilizing the minds and hands of its bureaucracies to in condemnation of you.
Violence is the strongest form of condemnation. Violence means acting against, disputing the dignity of. Rendering an aspect of Reality ineligible for care and instead making it worthy of "anti-care".
States as strong and able as the United States literally demand you be in harmony with them. Go against the grain and you're neutralized. The government will uphold freedom of speech as long as the continuity of the State itself is not in jeopardy. It gets very tricky and precarious.
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