Do Not Entertain Signaled Bad-Faith
Posting on Craigslist, subletting apartment for the holiday. In a few minutes, a first SMS inquiry is delivered to my phone.
Striked as odd right from the start. The title of my ad followed by question marks, what are you supposed to answer? Charitable interpretation is applicable... for all you know, they might've X, Y or Z.
There is no 'what' to share, only confirmation of a what. Would've felt better to receive a proper approach, because that's how you open a conversation.
An attempt to turn the tables, a shift in perspective... now it turns out you may be the scam. No proper introduction was a first sign, but this is bad faith alert. Should you continue engaging? For all you know, you're not at jeopardy just yet. For example, you could ask "And what am I supposed to be doing with this code of yours?". But no, don't entertain bad-faith approaches, because what's the point? Dubious grounding, unclear teleology, never fruitful.
A proper approach is always best, signals good faith. Mutual recognition of the context, of each other's moment. "Good evening, may I ask about X?". Don't be incisive.
The most interesting decisions you'll be making are around who to trust without enough information, which calls sound good, which calls you like to heed, possible meaning behind.
In good faith, Aesthes
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Key / Acting in Good and Bad Faith