To Achieve the Unexpected, Cooperation with Unregarded Forces
A black speckle was just floating in the air. It didn't seem like anything at first, then I couldn't stop thinking... what was it? My first guess was it was a fluff particle, probably fabric. It rose, defying gravity, but not in a burdened way, it rose magically as if it just were its nature. Kept looking but it was a bit too high, just high enough to tell me not to insist, a call to simply admire her and bathe in the moment.
In reflection, no laws were broken. Whatever it was, it was rising legally, just following a different grammar. In the moment, the little black ember was suitable to rise... It was happening, I saw it! Probably a current of warm air rising. To happen magically, you have to cooperate with the right forces, the right causes... a little lesson in achieving the unexpected.
Cooperation with forces present but not regarded can yield unexpected outcomes.
What forces can you cooperate around you, to make the change? They are shy, but powerful. Appealing to them, path to the wanted but seemingly implausible.
Wonderful day, Aesthes
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