How Can You Enjoy the Moment?
People hesitate in the face of burden. When the activity seems hard, unpleasant, or taxing, you seek the exit, you want to escape. Maybe it’s you in weakness or fragility, but maybe it's something else. Developing a sense to tell the difference is crucial. The level of agreeableness of anything you may set yourself out to do – the agreeableness of any "task at hand" – falls on a spectrum. There's often a point that, when crossed, makes the activity feel offensive.
When you consider any course of action, you may be tempted to ask: "How does it feel?" and find an answer that will make you disengage. The voice in your head says "I don't have to bear with this". Or you may escape naïvety and instead consider: How are you disadvantaged? Disadvantaged to enjoy the moment, to find it delightful rather than offensive. How are you not equipped? It’s fair to ask.
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