A Toxicity in Internet-Enabled Devices
First, imagine you're doing something you consider worthy. Now imagine that your phone sabotages the moment, derailing your intended train of behavior. The phone thrusts itself into your moment, cutting off the consecution of a worthy goal. Your context, contaminated by a foreign situation. The phone carries the world within... we can blame the internet for that. You can think of it as a teleological "atrophy" induced by enlargement of the context or situation originally driving your behavior, i.e., the thing you were doing in the first place.
The things happening on the Web "add themselves" to your moment vía your phone. The complexity of your moment increases, shifts from whatever it was to now include whatever is happening around the World. It’s in this way that internet-enabled devices are toxic… not biochemically but rather in teleological sense. The internet disrupts human behavior patterns very much like a toxic substance disrupts biochemical dynamics.
Why does the phone keep breaking in? Why do we allow it such dignity? Handle technology with care, it’s self-serving.
Consider a ritual in banishment.
A Ritual in Banishment
Say you're holding your smartphone on your right hand. Say the phone has got a hold on you and you want to let go. The way to make the wish is imagining a force emanating from you and pushing the phone away. An exhalation of breath can add tangibility, breathe out as you imagine a force pushing the phone away. Let the phone ride that wave of force to a place sufficiently removed from your presence. A safe place for banishment, however temporary. Allow yourself to return to your original task-at-hand.
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