A Life in Service to the Profit-Motive
What is your experience about? We're not talking about your talents... A life about service to the profit-motive, a life spent producing cash-flow, but not for your sake? Because the modern corporate dynamic is explicitly run in the spirit of shareholder returns.
If there is a single unified force driving the ongoing operation of modern corporate dynamics, it has to be what businessmen call the alleged superior interest of the shareholder over the fruits of the dynamic, an allegation that fails to recognize the still-superior interest of the community being serviced by it. The community enjoys the outcomes of the dynamic, they are part of the life and the culture. It shouldn't be something a private organization can just 'take away'.
If only we could shift our current paradigm to one where shareholders had a formal role of stewardship, shareholders as 'stewards' or care-takers of a business dynamic that exists with the explicit purpose of providing for the meaningful satisfaction of community needs and is operated for the embellishment of community life. Shareholders acquire commitments towards the dynamic, vesting a duty-of-care onto themselves.
That´s not the way it works today in this century. Today, business dynamics all across the globe are still run explicitly for shareholder's sake, following a philosophy championed in the 1980s by Milton Friedman. People call it shareholder capitalism, a form of cooperation where shareholder primacy is the formal logic that exists ingrained in the structure and operation of the business dynamic. Everything that happens under the banner of shareholder capitalism is always ultimately calibrated and checked against its final aim. There is an 'optimization' process in place that selects for operating practices that favor the shareholder over every other person or entity participating in the dynamic.
That's why employee loyalty is on the floor, because the dynamics they join are not being run with them in mind, and if ever, only for marketing purposes. The modern corporate mission statement is just a mirage, empty talk, a wishful rationalization of a dynamic run for nothing more than profit.
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