Individualism, Production of Individual
A Process of Fission
The cultivation of individualistic attitudes is a dynamic characteristic of the Western world, with its most radical expressions happening in twenty-first century America. The production of individuals in a society is associated with the promotion of a sense of individual success that prevails over notions of collective well-being. The dynamic is further induced by the production of products, services, and technologies that promote individualized taste, consumption, and interaction.
Completeness in Detachment
If you walk down the streets of New York, you can see lots of buildings without space in between them, they're wall-to-wall. When you come across the occasional free-standing building, you may feel invited to slow down and look towards it. There is something interesting about them, a 'completeness' that is missing in other buildings. They have a full side that you don't often see. Perhaps that's the appeal of individualism. Detachment gives you space to become your own, an opportunity to find completeness.