Finding Weakness in Nature
Weakness finds its origin in nature; an aspect of Reality is weak according to its nature. Glass is weak in glass ways. Steel is week in steel ways. People are weak in people ways. Weakness is feature, for everything must respond to something else.
Some calls are hard to resist; the calls of food, of intrigue, of lust. It is an aspect of Reality that it calls. Music calls to dance, the chair to sit down, the charged particle to come or go. Some calls cannot be resisted, the ones that appeal to my vulnerability, the ones that acknowledge my weakness. I attest to my weakness by giving in, I dignify my nature by heeding and answering calls.
There seems to be dialogue between weakness and duty. My duties-embraced become vulnerabilities by defining the calls I must heed. When I’m bound by duty — not in law but in heart — I make myself reactive, responsive. Behavior becomes reflexive. When I behave reflexively I have no choice. I give in.
✰ ⇢ TNC / Sense of Duty
The profit-motive shapes Reality targeting my weakness. It does so to elicit my engagement, to invite it, induce it, seduce it, coerce it. If done in good faith, it honors my nature, it dignifies it, profitably. If done in bad faith, it exploits it for profit.
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